K.K Roof Specialist | Commercial
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Government property building, club, Swimming Complex, Safra Roofing and building installation and Reconditioning work.

K.K.ROOFING CONTRACTORS works has been responsible for literally “covering” a large area in Singapore. Our certified safety program sets us apart from our competition. As an experienced roofing contractor, we’ve earned a reputation of being a leader in the roofing industry. We’ve provided commercial roofing to numerous industries such as: club, Swimming Complex, Safra Roofing and building installation and Reconditioning work.

K.K.ROOFING CONTRACTORS Works is a certified roofing installer. We provide built up, as well as hot and cold process roofing. Our certification to install single ply e.p.d.m. rubber-roofing systems, allows us to roof shopping centers, warehouses, and office buildings.